fall sneaks in…

2 Oct

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i always feel like this time of year is meant for me. and normally, i’m really prepared for it — but somehow, this year, september was a different kind of fall. and fall, so sneakily, sneaked in. the summer went on for so long that, i had almost given up on it ending. and then one day it was too cold and windy for an evening fire, and the last of the apples fell, and i found myself wearing a jacket. e started kindergarten and L began going to daycare occasionally, my christmas doll orders started to roll in, and well, this has been a big transition for everyone. i haven’t taken notice of the colors like i normally would – so i have to stop now and do that, because it’s so quick, this best time of the year.

and so i’ll be sure and take the day ‘off’ tomorrow as i celebrate 29 years…

happy fall to you ~

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